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2024年9月,鲜艺AI抠图软件推出了其最新2.2版本,新增了与Photoshop的联动批量抠图功能。这一更新为广大摄影师和设计师带来了全新的体验,让图像处理工作变得更加高效。鲜艺AI抠图是一款本地化部署的AI抠图工具,操作简便,用户只需简单上传图片即可自动完成抠图,这一功能相较于传统软件尤其是Photoshop,显得尤为突出。该软件不仅支持对人像的精准抠图,也对动物和植物等图像进行了优化,其出色 ...
根据iOS 18 中的代码信息显示,即将发布的iPhone 16 Pro 机型将引入对JPEG-XL 文件格式的支持。这种新格式在文件压缩效率上较传统的JPEG 有了显著提升,尤其是在处理更小文件大小的需求时更为出色。此外,JPEG-XL还提供了HEIC 格式所没有的灵活性,即同时支持有损和无损压缩。
Safari 18 is now rolling out on iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices everywhere, and it’s packed with new features. However, you ...
微软的 Windows Dev Kit 2023 也被称为"Project Volterra",它是开发人员为改善 ARM 上的 Windows 支持而做出的早期努力,开发人员可以在小尺寸 ARM PC 上运行 Windows 11。现在,有了 ...
近日,江苏无锡虹桥医院放射影像科医生实名向总台中国之声反映,从去年起,医院系统内出现了一些根本没在他们科室做过影像检查的患者病历,他们既没在医院拍过片子,也没有放射影像科归档的影像号,病历记录里却有“根据影像做出的诊断”。 朱医生怀疑医院涉嫌伪造病历 ...
There are dozens of image formats available, but Google search supports only these formats: JPEG, PNG, WebP, BMP, GIF, and SVG. Let’s understand the differences between these formats and how ...
JPEG XL is an image compression format that brings better image quality and compression to older image formats like JPEG, PNG, and WebP.
Based on the benchmarks from 2012 by [Blobfolio] between JPEG XL, AVIF and WebP, it would seem that if Jpegli incorporates advancements from AVIF while maintaining compatibility with JPEG decoders ...
The Old Farmer's Almanac released its seasonal weather forecasts for both fall and winter in Kentucky. How does it line up ...
Sweater weather' might mean something different this year depending on who you believe: NOAA or the Old Farmer's Almanac.