近日,亚马逊云科技举办了一场“2024亚马逊云科技云端韧性之道”媒体沟通会,亚马逊云科技大中华区解决方案架构总经理代闻,现场解密亚马逊云科技的韧性之道。代闻指出,随着用户对企业业务7×24不间断运行需求的日益增长,企业正面临由系统复杂性提升、频繁功能 ...
网飞(Netflix)又火了,再一次让观众“疯狂”起来! 《鱿鱼游戏》之后,擅长洞察人性的网飞,又一次狠狠拿捏住了屏幕里的选手和屏幕外的观众。《激赞网红》一上线,就连续登顶韩国TOP 10节目榜首。 《激赞网红》这档由网飞(Netflix)制作的生存类综艺,召集了来自YouTube、TikTok、Instagram和 Afreeca TV等平台的77位韩国网红。他们通过五轮比拼,决出最终的幸存者, ...
Front and center among these is the Azure Well-Architected Framework, a set of guiding principles designed to help architects and developers build high-quality cloud applications. The framework is ...
To improve the crack resistance of concrete, the team took inspiration from the double-helical scales of the coelacanth, an ...
As marketers, we must stay agile and nimble amid challenging times, expect ongoing change and be ready to adapt.
A study led by the School of Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has developed an ...
Researchers used robotics and additive manufacturing to toughen cement-based material with precisely placed hollow tubes. The result is more than 5 times tougher than counterparts.