Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award每年颁发一次,旨在表彰在大气和气候科学研究及领导力方面表现卓越的科学家,该奖项授予获得博士学位8至20年内的获奖者。该奖项设立于2012年,每年仅有4位获奖者。
South African playwright, academic, novelist and short story writer Nadia Davids is the winner of the 2024 Caine Prize for ...
Local authority recognised for its outstanding achievements in Tackling Inequalities and Improving Health and Wellbeing and ...
8月30日,2024年上海国际广告奖颁奖盛典于上海跨国采购会展中心圆满落幕,本届上海国际广告奖案例类共诞生354个等级奖项,包含1个全场大奖、29个金奖、118个银奖、207个铜奖。ESG创新传播奖共诞生18个等级奖项,包含1个全场大奖、2个金奖、4 ...
Ms Corner said it shows "the part of John’s story that is rarely seen beyond his closest family" as he lies pensive in bed.
An outdoor adventure park in Norfolk won gold in two categories at the UK National Theme Park Awards. BeWILDerwood, which has sites in Norfolk and Cheshire, was named the best small theme park for ...
Less than two weeks before his 100th birthday, former President Jimmy Carter is receiving a lifetime achievement award from ...
从安溪走出去的科学家陈志坚再获国际大奖! 9月17日,据德国保罗•埃尔利希基金会讯,美国国家科学院院士、美国国家医学院院士、霍华德·休斯医学研究所研究员、美国西南医学中心杰出讲席教授陈志坚博士,荣获德国最高医学奖一—“保罗•埃尔利希和路德维希·达姆施 ...
目前,港中大有四位蜚声国际的学术泰斗出任博文讲座教授,除Heckman教授外,其余三位博文讲座教授分别为著名物理学家、诺贝尔奖首位华人得主杨振宁教授;国际知名计算器科学家、“计算器界诺贝尔奖”图灵奖(Turing ...
“Shogun,” “The Bear” and “Baby Reindeer” were favorites going into the night. “Shogun” emerged with the top drama prize and ...
2024年9月19日,被誉为诺贝尔奖“风向标”的生物医学领域重要奖项——拉斯克奖(The Lasker Awards)揭晓。华人科学家陈志坚(Zhijian “James” Chen)教授获得拉斯克奖基础医学研究奖,三位GLP-1研究先驱Joel ...