Camphor, derived from the wood of the camphor tree, has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes. It is known ...
The wood is harvested, typically from mature trees, to extract the raw materials necessary for camphor production. Extraction ...
Aculture of protecting ancient trees is deeply rooted among the residents of Chengkou county in Southwest China's Chongqing.
Do you recall where Totoro lived? If you answered, “In a tree!” then you get one point. If you answered, “In a kusunoki, a camphor tree!” you’ve earned yourself double points.
The original acreage for the garden was allocated within Woodward Park in 1967 and opened for public viewing in 1981.
The trees across all forest types are projected to suffer severe losses by 2090 in 3 of 4 scenarios modelled. Read more at ...
A giant camphor tree that must be several hundred years old grows in the big park near the protagonist's house. One day, the protagonist as a little kid sees a mysterious old woman standing before ...
宫崎骏终其一生都致力于创造充满奇异生物的幻妙世界。《千与千寻》(2001年上映,曾荣获奥斯卡最佳动画电影奖)的故事发生在一个由珠光宝气的魔女统治的魔幻王国里,那里居住着会说话的青蛙、由煤烟化作的小精灵以及一个能够从指间变出金子的空灵生物。在新冠疫情肆 ...
Dr. Neera, a dermatologist and skin cancer surgeon who is a graduate of Harvard, recently posted a video to TikTok in which ...
Having lived side by side with these majestic ginkgos, Chinese honeylocusts, Lindera megaphylla and camphor trees for generations, the local people treat them with the same love and care as they ...