在下周准备降息之际,美联储主席鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)面临着一个艰难的决定:从小幅降息开始还是步子更大一些?
Donald Kohn, former Fed vice chairman had a Dialogue with SFC journalist recently in Bund Summit 2024. He said “there's a ...
美联储宣布降息50个基点,这让许多澳大利亚人在猜测,澳大利亚储备银行是否也会这么做。 美联储宣布降息50个基点; 澳大利亚国库部长吉姆·查默斯(Jim Chalmers)表示,美联储面临的经济前景与澳大利亚的不同; ...
美国联邦储备委员会(美联储)当地时间18日宣布,将联邦基金利率目标区间下调50个基点,降至4.75%至5.00%之间的水平。这是美联储自2020年3月以来的首次降息,也标志着美国由货币政策紧缩周期向宽松周期的转向。 The U.S. Federal ...
Holzmann, who was the sole dissenter from the governing council’s decision to cut interest rates in June, backed Thursday’s quarter-point cut, which left the benchmark deposit rate at 3.5 per cent.
美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)星期四(9月19日)表示,美联储降低利率的决定是通货膨胀已经缓解的“重要信号”。他称唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的经济政策过去失败了,如果恢复肯定会“再次失败”。
并非所有人都能立即感受到美联储降息的威力。但对某些人来说,此举将带来巨大变化。 美联储周三的降息将需要一段时间才能对美国经济产生影响。并非所有人都能立即感受到其中的威力。但对某些人来说,此举将带来巨大变化,或者至少是变化的开始,而这些变化将不断累积。
The European Central Bank on Thursday announced it would cut key interest rates again, marking its second rate reduction this year following a move in June, with no indication of the future rate path.
品浩(PIMCO)执行副总裁兼资产配置及多元实质资产投资组合经理盛宜铭(Emmanuel ...
In the week ending September 13, all three major U.S. stock indexes posted significant gains, with the Nasdaq surging nearly ...
In August, the U.S. stock market faced significant volatility as investors focused on the Federal Reserve's anticipated interest rate cuts and Nvidia's second-quarter earnings. By the month's end, all ...
热带岛屿上的奢侈培训机构正在接受审查,因为该公司因对失败的房地产开发商的审计而受到影响。 自2022年“大调整”以来,该公司已经实现了显著复苏,现在比好莱坞竞争对手更有优势。