Michael Regan, at the time still new in his job as the Environmental Protection Agency’s administrator, stood in a field ...
The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted narrowly to repeal clean vehicle rules adopted in March to cut fleetwide ...
The House of Representatives has approved a joint resolution that would do away with the Environmental Protection Agency’s ...
根据TSCA法规,制造商可以要求EPA对其生产的化学品进行风险评估。EPA于2019年收到并批准了制造商对DINP和邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯(DIDP)进行风险评估的请求。于2024年5月发布了DIDP风险评估草案,并要求当时对DINP人类健康危害评估进行 ...
The EPA has increased the number of air quality monitoring stations across the country from 29 in 2017 to 115, allowing for ...
The Environmental Protection Agency’s internal watchdog has found that the agency retaliated against three staffers for ...
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) internal watchdog has found that top agency officials retaliated against three ...
美国众议院今天以微弱优势投票废除了环境保护署(EPA)的清洁汽车规定,该规定于3月份通过。这些法规旨在到2032年将整体车队尾气排放量在2026年水平的基础上减少50%。众议院共和党人认为,这些规定实际上会将汽油动力车辆从美国市场上淘汰。 针对众议院的决定,白宫今天宣布,如果该法案通过参议院,总统Joe Biden将会否决该法案。目前,政府尚未就众议院决定可能对环境或汽车行业造成的影响发表公开声明 ...
世界农化网中文网 报道:2024年8月20日,美国环境保护署(US EPA)发布了《除草剂方案》(Herbicide ...
Crews with the Columbus Division of Fire have been battling a scrapyard fire for more than 12 hours on the city's southeast ...
IT之家 9 月 13 日消息,2024 款保时捷 Macan EV 将于 9 月 18 日上市,并已获得官方 CARB 认证。Macan EV 车主论坛上有网友分享了 Macan 4 和 Macan Turbo 的蒙尼罗标签,揭示了保时捷首款电动 ...