SINCE the introduction of the Benedict flexible operating gastroscope in 1948, 1 203 biopsies of the stomach have been taken by this means in the Massachusetts General Hospital Endoscopy Clinic.
From the Gastrointestinal Out-Patient Department, Boston City Hospital. † Assistant professor of medicine, Boston University School of Medicine; junior visiting physician, Boston City Hospital ...
A prototype gastroscope was quickly developed, and Hirschowitz tested the prototype in early 1957 by swallowing it himself. He then presented the device to a meeting of the American Gastroscopic ...
Permission was obtained from both patients and physicians at the University of Michigan for research in clinical trials. Dr. Hirschowitz then presented his early experience at the American ...
Background and Aim: Common endoscopic findings in stomachs with Helicobacter pylori infections include antral nodularity, thickened gastric folds, and visible submucosal vessels. These findings ...