There are over 10,000 grape varieties though only a select few show up at grocery stores and farmers markets. This guide ...
Developing Vitis x Muscadinia Wide Hybrids for Enhanced Disease Resistance and Quality” is a national project that unites ...
With support from a $7 million grant, grape breeders in Arkansas are working to create a hybrid from two grape species ...
Cotton Candy grapes taste exactly the way they sound. Here's how horticulturalists created novelty grapes to give them such a ...
People often assume that, in due course, wine writers like myself might like to exchange the hurly-burly of the laptop for ...
“​​With a nice dry fall, the grapes stay dry, the grapes don't break down, it's a lot easier just to go in with the machine and pick them,” he said. The NOTL grape harvest normally continues into late ...
TARTARIC and malic acids are the quantitatively important acids in the fruit of the grape (Vitis vinifera L.). These acids are believed to be synthesized in the leaves and translocated to the ...
While the wine industry in many parts of the state are turning their grapes into wine, the native variety Concord, produces lovely aromatic fruit that is amazing when it does ...
“The goal of the project overall is through fruit-breeding, we will combine positive traits from Vitis vinifera and ...
Today Hannah is updating her grape vines. Her existing vines are hardy but not very productive and the crop is prone to downy mildew, so has suffered over the last few mild summers. Rather than waste ...
There are more than 10,000 varieties of grapes grown globally, but only a small minority makes its way to home kitchens. Many varieties are used exclusively for the production of wine, others are ...