An additional seven drill holes completed at GTI Energy’s Lo Herma ISR uranium project in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin has ...
Ph.D., Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University, 1983; B.A., Earth Sciences, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1977. Groundwater biogeochemistry; water-rock interactions; tracer applications ...
Employment opportunities may include work dealing with: environmental consulting, environmental regulations, hydrogeologic investigation, wetland mitigation, flood prediction, pollution abatement and ...
A Canadian-based mining company investigating the viability of remining the Gilt Edge Superfund Site in Lawrence County has ...
Hayden's PhD research is focused on the geotechnical and hydrogeologic characterization of coastal sediments impacted by surface and subsurface saltwater intrusion resulting from the ongoing dyke ...
The Salton Sea Authority has issued a Request for Proposal/Qualifications (RFP/Q) for the Desert Shores Restoration Project.