However, the effectiveness and imperceptibility are still the main concerns for these generative attacks, 1) biased feature learning may occur, i.e., these algorithms may generate undesirable feature ...
Imperceptibility is an English word that is used in many sentences in different contexts. Imperceptibility meaning in Urdu is a ادراک ناپذیری - Idraak na pazeeri. Imperceptibility word is driven by ...
where gpuid can be set to any free GPU ID in your machine. And adversarial examples will be generated in directory ./outputs.
This chapter aims to make the theoretical discussion contained in the previous chapter a little more concrete by investigating a few specific instances of figuration. To this end, it consists of an ...
Abstract - The spread of illegal replication of digital image has seriously affected the protection of intellectual property rights. Nowadays, although watermarking is the most popular technology for ...
While abstract in form and open to interpretation, her works serve as testimonies on behalf of both victims and perpetrators. Even when monumental in scale, her installations achieve a degree of ...
Chaim Sofer, the leading halakhic authority of the Hungarian "zealots" during the Orthodox-Neolog schism. The utter imperceptibility of God, considered as beyond human reason and only reachable ...
The possible imperceptibility of non-kinetic attacks (such as whether a satellite collision was accidental or intentional) or of their malicious intent (such as whether jamming is from a ...
Kian Peng is a media artist whose work is situated at the intersection of art, technology, and ecology. His practice-based research focuses on the imperceptibility of Climate Change, exploring ...
Packert, Cynthia 2019. From Gujarat to the Globe: ‘Bhakti Visuality’ and Identity in BAPS Svāminārāyaṇ Hinduism. The Journal of Hindu Studies, Vol. 12, Issue ...