Quezon City. Imported paints with high lead content continue to enter the domestic market in blatant violation of the country ...
Despite the planet’s growing plastic pollution crisis, petroleum-based polymers have become an integral part of modern life.
Has a UC Berkeley chemistry lab discovered the holy grail of plastic recycling? Maybe, but with a lot of caveats.
have signed the document in response to the complaint filed in August by the Bolivian Documentation and Information Center (Cedib), the International Pollutant Elimination Network (IPEN ...
Quezon City, Philippines/ Bangkok, Thailand. Environmental health organizations Ecological Waste Coalition of the Philippines ...
policy advisor at IPEN. In the past, observers were allowed to participate in working groups for the treaty on mercury known as the Minamata Convention, as well as in the treaty that protects ...
Jornalista e mestra em Comunicação pela UFJF. Trabalhou nos principais veículos, tais como: O Globo; Jornal do Brasil; Veja; ...
NONGOVERNMENT organizations based in the Philippines and Thailand lauded on Wednesday the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Thailand for stopping the production and trade of 12 skincare cosmetics ...
O governo do Estado de São Paulo, através de uma parceria entre o Acervo dos Palácios – departamento da Secretaria da Casa Civil – e o Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN ...
综合评审员的意见,《生活中的情绪心理学》得到了8.65分(满分10分)的评价。这本书帮助读者经由心理科学了解各种情绪的本质,探究心理学家们精心设计的情绪实验,以及由这些实验成果诞生的应对策略。就像作者所指出的那样,情绪本身从来不是问题,有问题的是我们 ...
Para buscar melhores soluções, em parceria com a Sabesp, pesquisadores do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) e da Escola Politécnica da USP vão estudar o impacto ambiental ...