A 24-year-old former army cadet has flatly denied forcing a colleague at the Australian Defence Force Academy to do anything ...
分析师指出,黄金技术面出现超买,这令金价面临回调压力。美元和美债收益率走强也打压黄金。此外,有消息称, 美国 正在制定以色列-真主党临时停火计划,这令避险情绪有所降温,从而打击金价。
美国国务院证实,美籍华裔牧师林大卫在中国遭囚将近20年后,本週已经获释返回得州家中。有美媒指,这意味著美中之间长期无法解决的问题,取得了突破。 (德国之声中文网)“赞美上帝!我们昨晚很晚才接到电话!爸爸现在自由了。”这是美国牧师林大卫(David ...
U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Saturday said he was worried about escalation between Israel and Lebanon but ...
President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan has met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National ...
US national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Saturday said he was worried about escalation between Israel and Lebanon but ...
美国国务院9月15日表示,自2006年起遭中国关押的美国牧师David Lin,已获中国当局释放及已返抵美国,近20年来首次再与家人会面,美方对此表示欢迎。美方此前多次强调,David Lin是被不当拘禁。美国新闻网站Politico引述David Lin的女儿称,14日接获美国国务院通知,指中国当局已将David Lin从监狱释放,他将于翌日抵达德州,家人指喜悦难以言喻。
US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Saturday said he was worried about escalation between Israel and Lebanon but ...
President Joe Biden will meet his Ukrainian counterpart at the UN General Assembly to discuss Ukraine’s strategy for the war ...
五角大厦讚扬中国在向太平洋试射洲际弹道飞弹前的透明度,并说这显示了两国军事沟通正在改善的迹象。《彭博》(Bloomberg)新闻网26日报导,五角大厦发言人辛赫(Sabrina Singh)周三说:「我们确实提前收到了这次试 ...