一名10岁日本男孩上周在深圳上学途中遭中国男子刺伤身亡,引起在华日本社区的恐慌。中国短视频社群平台“快手”星期六 (9月21日)公告称,已处置“煽动中日对立”的90余个违规帐号。
特朗普媒体目前运营名为Truth Social的社交媒体网络,也就是X的对手。今年3 月上市后,该公司市值一度飙升至近100亿美元。该股在散户交易员中很受欢迎,被视为对特朗普获得第二个四年总统任期机会的投机性押注。
IT之家 9 月 19 日消息,Mozilla 公司于 9 月 17 日发布博文, 宣布将于 2024 年 12 月 17 日停止运营去中心化社交平台 Mozilla.social 。 2023 年因为 Twitter / X 的相关问题,由 Mastodon 发起的去中心化社交网络平台非常火爆,本质上任何用户都可以开设自己的去中心化平台不受限制。
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage ...
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage ...
性别差异在中文里的表现主要体现在“生理性别”(sex)和“社会性别”(social gender)方面。生理性别反映了与生俱来的生理差异。比如,在中文里 ...
Notice: The content above (including the videos, pictures and audios if any) is uploaded and posted by the user of Dafeng Hao ...
尽管哈里斯在最近的民意调查中支持率飙升,但市场专家警告说, 选举可能在最后一刻之前仍然势均力敌,而且有可能在选举后几天才能揭晓结果 ,虽然这种可能性很小。专家指出,有可能出现有争议或势均力敌的选举结果,以及邮寄投票的方式,这种方式的计票时间比机器投票要长。
Notice: The content above (including the videos, pictures and audios if any) is uploaded and posted by the user of Dafeng Hao ...
Following the Hamas terrorist attack against Israeli civilians on 7 October, the operations of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip have caused a serious humanitarian crisis affecting all aspects of ...