peevishly, disgruntledly, in a sense of superior isolation. Moreover, the needed cohesion in action is best attained along with intellectual and emotional unity. Without a certain sweep of ...
I have watched two recent episodes of the locally popular ldquo;KSM Show, rdquo; a hotbed of National Democratic Congress ...
"The cetaceans are on the whole the most peculiar and aberrant of mammals," he remarked peevishly. "There is no proper place for them in a scala naturae.They may be imagined as extending into a ...
I found the rest of the world’s literature so lacking in pep and incident that I pushed it all peevishly aside and started out from the Dark Wood all over again [Further Papers on Dante ...
"But how would she govern?" asked The Economist on its cover last week. Bloomberg's newsletter peevishly complained that the ...
The day before he [Spencer] had peevishly pushed away the former when presented by the steward exclaiming "Cheddar, Cheddar, not Cheshire; I said Cheddar." There was a roar in which none joined ...
“It was very confusing,” Santa wrote peevishly in his letter that year, “but luckily your mummy and daddy were able to help me figure it out. Make sure you tell them thank you ...
Syria is desert, a beige ocean of sand, and while the view as we hurtle towards Damascus has a rugged grandeur, it’s hard to enjoy it properly for the inescapable gaze of the president, staring ...
Graves In Proviso township, near Chicago, Oscar Atkins, who had lived 17 days in a grave five feet deep in a vacant lot, clambered up, peevishly took down his sign MAN BURIED ALIVE, Ten Cents a Look.
“I’d pick up a stinkwood chair for a guinea. Can you imagine?” Eira couldn’t stop buying, their house filled up with Africana and eventually Charles had to peevishly protest that he didn’t want to ...
I keep falling off my chair whenever I come across such news reports as one that was captioned ldquo;Ghana rsquo;s Choice: ...