Therefore, efforts in structural processes, petrogenesis, mineralization, and geochronology are aimed at reconstructing the emplacement of magma, mineralization processes, and the development of ...
The research elucidates their petrogenesis and geodynamic processes. The findings are published in the journal Science China Earth Sciences. Oceanic intraplate volcanoes with linear age ...
吴蕴华,女,中国地质大学(武汉)学士及硕士,中国科学院紫金山天文台博士,现为中山大学博士后。主要从事行星地质与化学研究,分析球粒陨石结构特征与形成环境,以及部分无球粒陨石(包括月球陨石与火星陨石)的地球化学特征与岩浆过程。 1、Wu ...
Lavas from hotspots—whether erupting in Hawaii, Samoa or Iceland—likely originate from a worldwide, uniform reservoir in ...
Granite and granitic rocks are amongst the oldest and most studied rocks on Earth. They are ubiquitous within the continental crust but also occur within oceanic crust, and host important deposits of ...
New results presented here demonstrate that accessory mineral chemistry can provide further insight into their petrogenesis and highlight the petrological potential of apatite and titanite. The main ...
Abstract: There is a conspicuous dichotomy in the conventional model of lunar petrogenesis between the total intra-crustal differentiation postulated for the products of feldspathic volcanism in the ...
The book is comprehensive in its coverage of the processes involved in the petrogenesis of igneous and metamorphic rocks and the implications of these processes, is well illustrated with excellent ...
The study revealed their extensive distributions and obscure nature with significant implications for the petrogenesis of lunar plutonic rocks and the Chang'e-6 mission, which will facilitate ...
Filippi, Marco Zanoni, Davide Gosso, Guido Lardeaux, Jean-Marc Verati, Chrystèle Spalla, Maria Iole Averbuch, O. and Lardeaux, J.M. 2019. Structure of lamprophyres ...
My research focuses on the understanding of the present-day physical and chemical structure of the Earth's mantle and crust as well as its physical and chemical evolution over geologic time. Within ...