A new state-of-the-art robotic probe is helping to speed up the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. Doctors at ...
Over 900 people walked 1.5 miles through the zoo, which began with a ribbon-cutting and loud cheers from the crowd.
Incurable lung cancer could soon become treatable, according to experts conducting a world-first trial on the NHS.
Lung cancer is rare in people under 45, but rates are rising in non-smokers, particularly women. Tiffany Job was shocked to ...
The statistics are grim, but there’s a reason why lung cancer often progresses past the point where it’s treatable: Early ...
目前,化疗仍是 ES-SCLC 治疗的重要组成部分,但化疗导致的骨髓抑制(CIM)会严重影响患者用药依从性和预后,且现有的干预措施主要为对症治疗,存在局限性。为探索在真实世界环境中,预防性使用曲拉西利对我国 ES-SCLC ...
Surviving lung cancer in Aotearoa New Zealand could depend on whether you can access a GP—raising questions about equity in ...
BioNTech has launched global clinical trials for BNT116, an mRNA vaccine designed to treat non-small cell lung cancer.
近日,备受全球瞩目的肿瘤领域顶级国际盛会——2024世界癌症大会(World Cancer Congress)在瑞士日内瓦举行。
Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of cells. There are hundreds of types of cancers, each named for what area of the body they affect. Some of the most ...
任胜祥教授指出,德曲妥珠单抗作为肺癌领域首个获批的 HER2 靶向药物,其疗效已在系列研究中得到证实。DESTINY-Lung01 研究率先证实了德曲妥珠单抗(6.4 mg/kg)在经治 HER2 突变 NSCLC 患者中具有强大的抗肿瘤活性[6]。