Doubts about the Qualcomm-Intel deal stem from uncertainty over how Intel's manufacturing fits into Qualcomm's design focus.
Qualcomm has approached the once-dominant chipmaker Intel for a potential buyout, turning the spotlight on the portfolio of ...
Qualcomm has approached the once-dominant chipmaker Intel for a potential buyout, turning the spotlight on the portfolio of ...
Intel's semiconductor factories present a major challenge for Qualcomm's possible acquisition.
A potential deal to buy Intel could accelerate Qualcomm's diversification but will burden the smartphone chipmaker with a ...
芯片制造巨头高通公司(Qualcomm)预计将在今年晚些时候实施一系列裁员措施,此举被视作其业务与资源“战略转移”的关键一环。不幸地,也使得高通加入了近期科技界裁员风潮中的显著行列,年内已宣布裁减员工数量超过千人。当前,科技行业正步入一个财务挑战与市 ...
在陆续传出 高通 (Qualcomm)已向 英特尔 (Intel)发出收购邀约的消息之后,根据彭博社引用知情人士的说法报道指出,无线芯片大厂 博通 (Broadcom)也在评估对对 英特尔 的潜在收购计划。 不过,目前 英特尔 方面尚未收到来自 博通 的收购邀约,显见目前相关投资顾问们还在继续讨论当中。
This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber ...
Qualcomm recently approached Intel to explore a potential acquisition of the troubled chipmaker, a source familiar with the ...
对此,郭明錤也表示,“并购英特尔仅对高通的AI PC芯片业务有帮助,但高通应该没有强烈动机去并购英特尔才是,此并购案若发生,对高通可说是灾难一场”。其表示,考虑到各国之后的反垄断调查,此并购案很难在短期内完成。
(纽约23日讯)英特尔(Intel)盛传将被高通(Qualcomm)收购之际,最新传出该公司可能找到金主,美国资产管理公司阿波罗全球管理公司(Apollo Global ...