To save democracy, the elites claim, they must reduce to a minimum the public’s access to information and communication.
On the face of things, most Ukrainians are equally confident and combative. Almost three-quarters tell pollsters that ...
Amnesty International has just called on the Taliban to end their “gender-based persecution,” wokely defining this ...
The siege of Tripolitsa and the ensuing massacre of the Ottoman population of the city was a pivotal moment in the Greek war ...
When Karl Marx, from his vantage point in London, read reports of what was occurring in the streets of Paris in the spring of ...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently announced that Russia was fine with letting Armenia and Azerbaijan work out ...
Russian forces continue to counterattack across the Ukrainian front in the Kursk Oblast, but the russian military will likely ...
In response to Ukrainian raids on Russian territory with long-range missiles, Putin has repeatedly returned to conjuring up ...
Since Samadov’s arrest, at least two other peace activists have been interrogated as witnesses in the treason case, and ...
While most of the heavy fighting in Ukraine is concentrated in the Donetsk region, Russia continues to push toward the city ...
From the 8th century CE to the turn of the 16th century, a swath of the Iberian Peninsula was under Islamic control. The ...
It is up, always up,” the Portuguese guide says, gesturing at the ancient cobbled street winding its way ­skywards. He is not ...