Divorced men in their 50s said financial stability is the priority consideration in getting remarried, while women said the ...
more frequent divorces and remarriages. The trend is away from stable lifelong monogamous relationships toward some form of polygamous male-female relationship. Perhaps we should identify it as ...
Rhonda Griswold, a Cades Schutte law firm partner, joins producer/host Coralie Chun Matayoshi to discuss how you can pass ...
Qualified terminable interest property trusts: If you're part of a family in which there have been divorces, remarriages, and stepchildren, you may want to direct your assets to particular ...
A growing trend of inheritance disputes is flooding Australian courts, with families torn apart by bitter feuds over wills, ...
But this world is in no way perfect – so divorces and remarriages are common. And where there are remarriages, there are stepchildren. The heroine of our story today, the user PointToItOnThePage ...
The business announces that key drivers behind this trend include increasing complexity of family structures, with blended families and remarriages contributing to disputes over inheritance.
Blended families are becoming increasingly common creating a beautiful yet complex dynamic when it comes to estate planning With children from previous marriages new spouses and sometimes even stepchi ...
For example, an unfinished divorce decree could derail a client's plans for passing on wealth to their children, especially in a complex situation where remarriages have occurred and there are ...
Still, nearly a quarter of marriages in 2022 were remarriages. “It’s truly a wildly challenging arena for planning,” says Megan Miller, senior wealth advisor and managing director with MAI ...