Everyone thought he was the professor. But the gray-haired older man was a freshman medical student — just like the rest of ...
Taman Rasa Sayang, PJ is home to places like Dou Dou Bake, Airplane Mode Coffee and notably, Restoran B & Best, a hugely ...
Pia Wurtzbach is among the celebrities and models who set the “Walk Your Worth” show at Paris Fashion Week on fire, as she ...
李准基诚意十足,把粉丝见面会办成演唱会等级,让粉丝纷纷赞叹他根本就是被演戏耽误的唱跳歌手。(吉隆坡23日讯)韩国男神李准基出道23年首次来马办见面会,全晚与粉丝玩了近3小时,诚意满满地唱足20多首歌,宛如歌手演唱会,让粉丝沉浸在男神魅力中。见到粉丝们 ...
Pia Wurtzbach made history by being the first Filipina to ever walk the runway of the L’Oréal Paris fashion show in this year’s Paris Fashion Week. The beauty queen-model graced the Le Défilé Walk ...
More than five decades on, the beloved Ferringhi Grill restaurant at Shangri-La Rasa Sayang, Penang continues to offer ...
Rostam Roslan dan Rosdin are fired from their jobs for being too preoccupied with music They fall in love with Salina Sarina and Safina respectively The three girls do not reciprocate and try ...
(吉隆坡23日讯)韩国演员李准基昨日终于来到大马与粉丝们见面!在粉丝见面会上,李准基献唱近期他参与的新剧《阿斯达年代记2:阿拉姆恩之剑》的OST(影视原声带),让大家兴奋不已。随后他带来《步步惊心》、《恶之花》的OST,更直接掀起回忆杀。凭爱情喜剧《 ...
(布城23日讯)砂拉越站的2024年人民昌明活动,定于本周五至星期天在美里的富丽华购物广场(Boulevard ...
Have you ever tried the mami and siopao at Masuki? The co-founder and CEO shares the story of the beloved noodle house, how it survived and thrived after closing down in the 1990s, and where exactly ...