A lavish birthday party thrown for Boko's daughter in the United States last month ruffled feathers among Talon's entourage, which in recent weeks has started looking into the finances of the ...
Government Ekpemupolo's firm Tantita Security, tasked in 2022 by state-owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corp to secure the waters of the Niger Delta and combat crude oil theft, is increasingly ...
Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Faye, who arrived in New York City on 21 September for his very first appearance at the United Nations General Assembly High-level Week, is due to address the ...
During his international tour from Washington to Paris from 24 February to 6 March, Prime Minister Succès Masra, who over the weekend announced he'd be running in the 6 May presidential election, was ...
When the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) meets at its next ordinary summit in Abuja, the commissioner for political affairs, peace and security, Abdel-Fatau Musah, will present his ...
US giant General Electric and Japanese firm Mitsubishi are neck and neck in a race to win the contract to build a gas plant in Al Wahda for the Office National de l'Electricité et de l'Eau Potable ...
Daniel Chapo, the frontrunner in next month's presidential election in Mozambique, paid an unpublicised visit to Kigali in June where he met Rwandan President Paul ...
On 17 September, the Chadian government suffered a major setback before the Paris Court of Appeal in its dispute with the telecoms company N-Soft (AI, 16/08/22) when judges overturned a ruling handed ...
Several white bodyguards, dressed in unmarked military uniforms and their fingers on the triggers of their guns, helped provide protection for DR Congo President Félix Tshisekedi during his visit on ...
Several embassies that covered Eritrea from the Sudanese capital have had to take refuge in Ethiopia since the start of the civil war more than a year ago. But the historical rivalry and growing ...
Guillaume Soro has played numerous roles on his way up from student politics to rebel leader and then president of the National Assembly. In the space of less than a decade, he has been able to forge ...
When the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) put South Africa on its "grey list" in February 2023 (AI, 18/10/22), Pretoria said it would extract itself from this category of countries that are placed ...