Photofusion and the 198 Centre are offering anyone 19+ living in Lambeth on low wages or unemployed the opportunity to join one of their three unique courses: Photography, Art and Design, and Film ...
The Dr Bike crew are inviting you to bring along your misfiring bicycle to the Ruskin Park bandstand on Sat 21st September, for some free TLC and attention.
A new divestment campaign and petition backed by Lambeth Unison and a range of other groups has been launched. We’ve reproduced the full text of their press release and included a link to ...
Councils need “urgent” help to cope with demands including the spiralling costs of finding homes for the growing numbers of homeless people across the country, Lambeth has warned the new government ...
Councillor Claire Holland, Leader of Lambeth Council, has achieved a significant personal victory by being elected to the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC).
Lambeth Council has restated calls made 12 months ago for new laws to ensure dockless hire e-bikes, like those operated by ...
New figures released today by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), to mark Sickle Cell Awareness Month, show that last year (2023-24) 210 donations of blood were needed each day for treating patients ...
Coding classes for women at Southwyck coding centre help bridge the digital divide, creating a more inclusive tech community. The programme welcomes beginners as well as those looking to advance ...
The Labour MP for Clapham and Brixton Hill, Bell Ribeiro-Addy, did not take part in the Parliamentary vote on the Conservative motion to block plans to means-test the Winter Fuel Allowance. In a ...
In a significant achievement for local representation, two MPs from our Brixton Buzz patch have been elected to chair influential Westminster committees following competition from fellow Labour Party ...
Bayo Dosunmu, the former Chief Executive of Lambeth Council, has been sentenced to 150 hours of unpaid work following a drink-driving incident that led to his disqualification from driving for two ...
We reported back in April this year that the Marks & Spencer branch on Brixton Road would be closing for a major refit that would see the popular store converted into a food-only outlet. The company ...