We instinctively form expectations, especially when it comes to an unconventionally titled book that’s generating lots of buzz. But so often, reality dispels our expectations. Hence the saying: Don’t ...
The night after Sri Lankan priest Kanishka Raffel was elected Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Jeri Jones Sparks woke up at 4am in pain and couldn’t get back to sleep. As the daughter of Tamil-speaking ...
Australian actor George Xanthis has played the role of John Travolta and one of the Capone brothers. But it is his current one, playing John the Apostle in The Chosen, that he says is “the best role ...
The Ezekiel Declaration, a petition against “vaccination passports” launched by Baptist pastors has gained the support of the Australian Christian Lobby’s (ACL) National Director Martyn Iles, but also ...
Trigger warning added 22/9/21: This story contains graphic details of assault with an indecent act and is likely to cause distress to people who have been victims of such abuse and may have been ...
The Sydney Anglican Diocese is gearing up to meet the gospel opportunity presented by the rising tide of migrants from South Asia by establishing the Archbishop’s Advisory Board for South Asian ...
“In 1974, I was an army officer, posted in a regiment in Brisbane. One night I was having a beer in the Officer’s Mess with the Catholic chaplain. I’d been brought up in the Catholic Church, but it ...
David Gillies of Christian Literature Outreach has shared with Eternity some letters from Chaplains and inmates. The print Eternity has been sent to prisons – and is eagerly read we are told. From a ...