Words such as 'although', 'because' or 'when' . A subordinating clause is a part of a sentence that adds additional information to the main clause. A subordinating conjunction is simply the word ...
The market reception to Nordea’s issue came soon after a frisson that swept through the market after the Australian ...
A complex sentence is made up of a main clause and a subordinate clause connected to each other with a subordinating conjunction. Subordinating conjunctions are common in academic writing, and they ...
A relative clause is a subordinate clause which post-modifies nouns. The subordinating conjunctions who, whose, which, where, that, when, why, how are used. There are two types of relative clause: ...
None of us should, because we’re always learning and always growing, or at least we should be: That’s a sign of humility, ...
By imprisoning workers in India’s pro-employer labour relations system and politically subordinating the working class to the ...
This is a part of what Mr Xi has called “socialist education with Chinese characteristics”, which involves subordinating academic imperatives to the needs of the party. Academic freedom is at ...
Gerardo Sánchez Nateras's book uses a variety of Central American archives to present alternatives to the dominant narratives ...
In Puerto Rico and other hard-hit places, marine researchers are trying to restore reefs and make corals more resilient — with some recent success.
Among the many delicious ironies that permeate our public life was the recent decision of the National Democratic Alliance ...
The USW maintains we should leave the decisions to the courts where, apparently, major issues can be hashed out in an ...