Why are transposons so common in eukaryotes, and exactly what do they do? In addition, all TEs in both class 1 and class 2 contain flanking direct repeats (Figure 3). Flanking direct repeats are ...
For decades, scientists dismissed transposable elements, also known as transposons or “jumping genes”, as useless “junk DNA”. But are they really? The early speculations of both McClintock ...
Glad you asked: those genes were jumping. Jumping genes—a cooler way of referring to autonomous transposons—can copy ...
The cause for such enlarged DNA is 'autonomous transposons'. Autonomous transposons are DNA sequences that “replicate” and ...
It belongs to a family of transposable elements, or transposons. Sometimes called “jumping genes”, transposons are parts of a genome that can move from one location to another. The genome ...
† Resistance genes could only be identified in 13 clones. ‡ Library from [22] used. § Phage metagenomic library. ¶ Two of three resistant clones were assumed to be from the same region due ...