If you’ve entrusted your property to a third party for Airbnb management, you might be wondering who holds responsibility for ...
If you are the owner or usufructuary of an apartment or house (even if the house is rented to a tenant), you must pay the property tax on built properties (TFPB). Service-Public.fr reminds you of ...
Each dawn confers “a primordial sensation of beauty,” the narrator rhapsodizes, “a beauty perceived physically, enjoyed by ...
A homeowner as defined under this Act shall be qualified to be a member of an association: Provided, however, That a lessee, usufructuary, or legal occupant shall have the right of a homeowner as ...
Rice crops will occupy more than 40% of the total hectares planned to be planted by the farmers of the municipality of ...
Independently of the treaty stipulations into which we have entered with the various tribes for the usufructuary rights they have ceded to us, no one can doubt the moral duty of the Government of ...
The owner and the usufructuary of the land, not involved in the crimes, have undertaken, through a specialized company, to clean up the site. Numerous documents found: they could lead to the ...