It is important for vulnerable people and the elderly to stay up to date on vaccinations such as influenza (to protect ...
A vaccine for the prevention of shingles in adults aged 50 and over and those aged 18 and over at increased risk KUALA LUMPUR ...
With acute respiratory infections or lung-related illnesses rising in India, experts emphasise the need for increased adult ...
More Australians will be able to get a free vaccine for the painful condition shingles. Aussies ages 18 to 64 who are classed ...
When Nancy Greeley was in her 50s, her sister, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of Rochester, told her to ...
一、病历摘要患者,男,11岁,因“发热、皮疹5天,下肢无力3天”以“水痘”入院。患者曾接种水痘疫苗,近期有带状疱疹患者接触史,无水痘患者接触史。现病史患者于5天前无明显诱因出现持续发热,体温最高39.4℃,高热时有轻度肢体抖动,无畏寒、寒战,无惊厥、 ...
Melbourne, Australia The Government has expanded access to GSK's shingles vaccine, Shingrix, to cover individuals aged 18 ...
GSK plc (NYSE:GSK) released topline data from the phase 3 trial in adults 50 years and older evaluating the immunogenicity, ...
有人称带状疱疹为“不死的癌症”“难以忍受的巨痛”。今天就让“垂医皮肤”专家带您了解一下: 说到带状疱疹,很多人都不陌生,尤其是上了年纪的人,可能不仅听过,还曾经被它折磨得痛不欲生。带状疱疹俗称“缠腰龙”“蛇缠腰”“生蛇”等,是一种由“水痘-带状疱疹病毒”引起的感染性皮肤病。这种病毒可在人体内卧薪尝胆潜伏多年,具有亲神经性的特点。典型表现为身体单侧沿周围神经走向出现成群的水疱,常伴有明显的疼痛感。此 ...
在小区里,张大爷的笑声总是最响亮的。清晨锻炼、上午买菜、中午下棋、傍晚接孙子放学……他远远地就会和熟人打招呼。不过这几天,张大爷却只想躺在家里,哪儿也不想去。这是因为,他一侧后背出现了刺痛感,衣服碰到会痛,洗澡时也痛,有时一抬胳膊,后背也会痛。起初, ...
GSK has launched it's Shingles vaccine in Malaysia and here's all you need to know about it. From what it is, to the side ...