An extensometer measures strain by means of knife edges that contact the sample, one of which is fixed in its position, and the other which is positioned on a movable arm. On these models, the movable ...
By attaching two counterbalanced extensometer clamps to the specimen, extension can be measured at a preselected gauge length. When tensile forces are applied to the specimen by the testing machine, ...
Description: detect the smallest movement the associated instrumentation is capable of identifying. These transducers utilize a precision linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) as the ...
An LVDT is used to measure distance along a straight path. Unlike a linear optical encoder, this method uses measurements of inductance between two electrical coils to judge the distance.
The Tinius Olsen model 100R is a high elongation extensometer that is designed to measure the ‘stretch ’ of a wide range of materials including elastomers and non ...