Apps, wearables and ingestibles that support digital mental health have lowered barriers to access but have profound social, ethical, and legal implications The human body produces a tremendous amount ...
From movies to TV and parental anecdotes, teenagers are often characterised as risk-taking and impulsive with poor decision-making skills. In most of popular depictions, these qualities of teen ...
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Melbourne School of Engineering, University of Melbourne ...
The only spider known to weave a container to catch prey, researchers now have the first insights into the evolution and structure of the basket-web spider’s rare silk Rumour has it that red-haired ...
New research is using genomes from living thylacine relatives to build a new, chromosome-scale genome for the de-extinction of the Tasmanian tiger Scientists are calling for a herbicide banned in the ...
Two people walk towards each other, both try and get out of the way - before you know it, they’re doing the ‘sidewalk salsa’ Seventy per cent of us experience a spike in stress over the festive season ...
Over the last couple of years, e-scooters have become a staple throughout Melbourne’s CBD, with the rent-and-ride model offering many Victorians a convenient, accessible and environmentally friendly ...
When challenges arise we may feel confused, but there are five signs to help us understand when to seek mental health support The HILDA 2019 Survey finds intriguing links between dominant personality ...
It’s transmitted by one specific family of mosquitos called Anopheles. Until relatively recently, malaria was prevalent across Australia’s northern tropics, courtesy of one main mosquito species – ...
School of Agriculture and Food, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, University of Melbourne; Director, ARC Research Hub for Smart Fertilisers Nitrogen is essential for life on Earth, but ...
A new way of pulling particles with light has the potential to make biopsies less invasive, University of Melbourne experts say ...
As the world faces escalating political crises, and society grapples with many complex issues, informed, rational and respectful dialogue is essential. This series brings together experts in their ...