Military and local sources in Daraa and Quneitra confirmed to Syria TV that the military situation in southern Syria and along the borders of the occupied Golan remains unchanged.
Teachers in northwestern Syria, under the control of two opposition factions, face numerous challenges that complicate their roles in education. Chief among these is insufficient income, which barely ...
The ongoing war in Syria, now in its second decade, has drastically reshaped the lives of millions. Economic hardship has forced many to find new ways to cope with daily challenges, leading some to ...
In a strategic shift following recent Israeli cyber and military attacks, Hezbollah has begun withdrawing key units, including elite forces and special operations teams, from Syria and other Arab ...
More than two dozen Syrian refugees, including women and children, have been killed in Israeli raids on southern Lebanon since Monday morning. Activists on social media have mourned the loss of ...
The conference's closing statement emphasized the party’s commitment to pursuing "a political solution to the Kurdish issue, strengthening self-administration, and building a democratic, decentralized ...
Unknown assailants launched an armed attack on a military patrol belonging to the Afghan militia Zainebiyoun, affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, on Sunday evening near the Taybeh area ...
Amid an intense Israeli military escalation in southern Lebanon, more than 20 Syrian refugees, including women and children, have been killed in airstrikes targeting Hezbollah positions. This surge in ...
Faisal al-Mekdad was appointed vice-president and removed from his role as foreign minister, replaced by Bassam al-Sabbagh, a long-time regime insider. In yet another government reshuffle orchestrated ...
Syrian security forces have arrested media activist Younis Suleiman from Tartous for opposing the regime. In a related incident, journalist Wahid Yazbek, a member of the Journalists Syndicate and Homs ...
The Caesar Families Association announced on its website that the lawsuit addresses serious charges, including murder, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, and torture within Assad's prisons.
Wood reiterated that U.S. sanctions will remain in place until there is meaningful progress toward a political solution aligned with Resolution 2254 New York, September 20, 2024 – During a UN Security ...