Towards the end of Henry VIII's reign very little building occurred in England. The debts run up by the spendthrift Henry meant that the country verged on bankruptcy. The wool trade, which had carried ...
Trewrach Cottage pet friendly self catering holiday cottage in Dinas Cross, Pembrokeshire, sleeping 4 people, from £407 per ...
Our look at the lives of people in the fields of art, architecture, science, and literature throughout British history. From Geoffrey Chaucer to William Morris, Christopher Wren to Isaac Newton.
There is but one living and true God, everlasting, without body, parts, or passions; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; the Maker, and Preserver of all things both visible and invisible. And in ...
An acte restoring to the crown the ancient jurisdiction over the state ecclesiastical and spiritual and abolishing all foreign power repugnant to the same. Most humbly beseech your most excellent ...
We know very little of the first few hundred years of the Anglo-Saxon, or "English", era, primarily because the invaders were an illiterate people. Our earliest records of them are little more than ...
In the year 1665 death came calling on the city of London. Death in the form of plague. People called it the Black Death, black for the colour of the tell-tale lumps that foretold its presence in a ...
Tea, that most quintessential of English drinks, is a relative latecomer to British shores. Although the custom of drinking tea dates back to the third millennium BC in China, it was not until the mid ...
Tombland is the very heart of Norwich, the centre of activity here before the Norman's arrived in England in 1066. In this area was the palace of the Earl of East Anglia, and St Michael's church, the ...
Find out much more about English Castles and stately homes ...
In addition, we'll describe the major events of each battle and what happened as a result of the conflict.
England is not blessed with an abundance of surviving Anglo-Saxon buildings. There is good reason for this scarcity; the Anglo-Saxon period was one beset by frequent warfare and violent invasions, ...