The Brooklyn Museum is globally recognized for its extensive collection and iconic building. The new logo speaks to this ...
For college graduates interested in an in-depth introduction to the field while designing and facilitating interpretive programs for diverse audiences. Join a dynamic group of other emerging arts ...
Bertha was the daughter of Charlemagne, king of the Franks (ruled 768–814). None of Charlemagne’s daughters married, perhaps because he hoped to avoid political competition from husbands. In any case, ...
Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Aragon, in 1469. From 1479 to 1504, they jointly ruled both kingdoms, marking the start of the unification of Spain. Called Isabella the ...
The Brooklyn Museum stands on land that is part of the unceded, ancestral homeland of the Lenape (Delaware) people.
The Brooklyn Museum stands on land that is part of the unceded, ancestral homeland of the Lenape (Delaware) people.
Isabella d’Este (Gonzaga) was a powerful and well-educated political figure, humanitarian, patron of the arts, and mother of seven. Known as “The First Lady of the Renaissance,” she was related to ...
Anne Marbury Hutchinson was a Puritan, who held discussions in her home in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, critiquing the Bible and Puritan laws. These sessions, which were in opposition to society’s ...
Alessandra Giliani was reputedly the surgical assistant to Modino de’ Luzzi (d. 1326), a professor of medicine at the University of Bologna who published a foundational book on anatomy in 1316.
Emily Dickinson is considered one of the most famous poets in the history of American literature. Though socially shy, she was outspoken and emotional in her lyric poetry (short poems with one speaker ...
In 1903, Sir Arthur Evans, excavating at the palace of Knossos on the island of Crete, discovered fragments of faience statuettes depicting female figures holding snakes. Two of these statuettes were ...
“The idea of writing a feminist artist statement makes me cringe somehow. What is one anyway? Being thus defined, even though I am unsure of the definition, makes me feel trapped. Yet of course I am a ...