There are many ways Epilepsy Action can help support you and your loved ones. Our trained advisors can give you an idea of our services or provide the answers and resources you need.
Too busy to meet in person? No means of transport? If you’re struggling to attend an in-person meeting, don’t worry! Our online Talk and support groups are a great way of connecting with others online ...
National Doodle Day 2024 is Coming! Last year saw us celebrate our biggest EVER National Doodle Day, with the support of more than 600 artists, illustrators & celebrities that got doodling to raise ...
Can I take part in sport, exercise, and leisure activities? Being active and exercising can have health and wellbeing benefits for us all. But some people worry if it’s safe to take part in exercise, ...
At Epilepsy Action we know having the best people working for us is key to achieving our goals and ambitions. If you are considering a new role in a fantastic team, you will find everything you need ...
We have a range of training options to help businesses, charities and other organisations support people with epilepsy in professional environments. This online session connects you with one of our ...
Most pregnant people with epilepsy have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. But there are some important things to think about when planning how and where you want to have your baby. We talk about ...
Our Fundraising Promise outlines our commitment to donors and the general public – that every aspect of Epilepsy Action’s fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful. Epilepsy Action is ...
Some people with epilepsy experience problems with anxiety. This information explains what anxiety is and looks at the relationship between anxiety and epilepsy. It also covers treatments and ...
If you or someone you care about has just been diagnosed with epilepsy, then this information is for you. Getting a diagnosis of epilepsy can be overwhelming. With so much information to take in, it ...
My name is Bec, and I am a Talk & Support group volunteer. I help to run the Talk & Support group in Truro, and I also lead the Southwest virtual Talk & Support group. I have been attending the Truro ...