Yesterday, we looked at three provisions believers can count on during adversity: God’s presence, a pathway through trouble, and potential to grow. Today, let’s explore two more. Protection. God doesn ...
One of the most painful human emotions is loneliness. Of course, there are times when being alone is unavoidable. But since God has sent His Spirit to live within us, we are never truly on our own.
As believers, we’ve been granted special abilities to be used during our time here on earth. First Peter 4:10 says we have a responsibility to respond to this divine grace by serving one another. It’s ...
In the last verse of his Gospel, John says much more could have been written about the things Jesus did—but the world wouldn’t be able to contain that many books (John 21:25). In today’s passage, the ...
The way believers deal with guilty feelings has a lot to do with what they understand about guilt. By definition, the word refers to a sense of wrongdoing—an emotional conflict arising from second ...
We all long to have good, reliable friends who love us, but how do we go about making these relationships? The biblical account of David and Jonathan helps us learn how to foster genuine, close ...
Christ’s sacrifice on the cross paid for all our sins, but believers are still susceptible to temptation and disobedience. Therefore, we must understand what to do when we yield to our sinful desires.
How many of us have listened to the news and wondered, What in the world is going on? Without a firm foundation of biblical truth, we can easily be overcome with fear and despair. Thankfully, though, ...
When a person places faith in Jesus Christ and becomes a believer, he is sanctified—that is, set apart for God’s purpose. Unlike salvation, which takes place in a single moment, sanctification is a ...
Trusting God’s timing can be incredibly difficult when everything within us cries, “Do something!” When we’re dealing with a painful or challenging situation, we want action, so waiting for God feels ...
As God’s adopted children, we have been given the purpose of glorifying Him through righteous living. Yesterday we saw this means making certain modifications in our life. Let’s consider two more ...
Nehemiah demonstrates the power of prayer. As a servant to the king of Persia, he had no right to request leave to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, much less to requisition materials and protection. Yet ...