The climate crisis, and the response to it, present opportunities for communities in the UK as well as threats. The threats that communities face range from the impacts of the climate crisis itself ...
Children whose parents have separated and struggle to reach a maintenance agreement are let down by child maintenance services which erects deliberate barriers between parents and the support on offer ...
Technological change is a good thing. It has brought exponential gains to living standards and is the foundation of modern society. Yet unmanaged technological change has always come with risks and ...
As machines become increasingly capable of performing tasks once thought to be the sole preserve of people, some commentators have raised the spectre of mass unemployment and profound economic ...
It causes a damaging impact on individuals, but it also brings a loss of human potential and increased demand for a variety of public services. That in turns bears significant individual and economic ...
IPPR accelerates progress through ideas, analysis, and public dialogue. Our work provides insight into the challenges facing UK society, and impactful, workable policies.
Today, a child born in the most deprived part of the country can expect to die 10 years before a child born in the least deprived part of the country. They can expect to fall into poor health 20 years ...
Over the past decade, the government has rolled out a series of measures aimed at creating a ‘hostile environment’ for people living in the UK without immigration status. In this report, we assess the ...
Mainstream political and policy debates have failed to recognise that human impacts on the environment have reached a critical stage, potentially eroding the conditions upon which socioeconomic ...
While inflation is primarily being driven by global factors, this joint IPPR and the Common Wealth report argues that surging profits by some companies could be a contributing factor to rising prices.
One-half of adults in this country voted at the 2024 general election, the lowest share of the population to vote since universal suffrage. This report takes a first look at who spoke in the 2024 UK ...