Hoarding Advertisements are promotional campaigns done to boost visibility. Extra charges for printing and mounting are applicable. For more information feel free to call us at 080-67415510 or email ...
Outdoor advertising collectively refers to all media options that are displayed outdoors like billboards, posters, bus-shelter ads, transit ads, neon sign boards and so on and it is the most popular ...
Video Ads are displayed as both pre-roll video ads and mid-roll video ads on both the app and website. Pre-roll Video Ads are promotional videos that appear before the selected content is played.
Dailyhunt Banner Ads are display ads that are showcased on its platform. Some different banners will include Standard Banner Ads, Interstitial Banner Ads, Carousal Banners and Native Banners which ...
The minimum ad size accepted is 20 Square cm for all pages except front page(Page 1), which should be a minimum of 240 Square cm. view more ...
Audio Ads are high-impact ads which also include a companion banner ad and CTA that is played along with the content of the platform for a set duration. The mentioned information may not apply to this ...
Yung Media, founded in 2015 is a Digital Agency that provides clients with Digital advertising solutions. Being one of the top Digital advertising agencies in India, Offers effective targeted ads to ...
Cinema Advertising is one of the most interesting new age advertising options. Cinema advertising rates are one of the lowest among non mass media. The cinema advertisement is a popular and effective ...
Banners Ads are rectangular image ads displayed along with the content on the platform. For Times of India advertisers can display their ads through different Banner Ads including Interstitial Banner, ...
Mumbai Local Train Interior Branding is displayed on panels placed inside the local train coaches. Interior Branding in Mumbai Local Train can be showcased on Central Line, Harbour, and Western Line.
Video ads with a minimum duration of 10 seconds will be provided. These ads will be played as pre-roll and mid-roll during matches and will run on-site. Brands will also receive video-on-demand ads on ...
Custom Sized Ads are display advertisements that are showcased in newspapers as per the advertiser's requirement. These ads are customizable based on the advertiser's budget and are displayed on the ...