Festa di Ognissanti: venerdì 1° novembre 2024 Vacanze di Natale: da sabato 21 dicembre 2024 a lunedì 6 gennaio 2025. Vacanze di Pasqua: da venerdì 18 aprile 2025 a martedì 22 aprile 2025. Festa della ...
ARcom Formazione, ente di alta formazione per imprese e professionisti nel settore del commercio internazionale e del diritto doganale, mette in pista il bando per la seconda edizione del Premio Young ...
I Welcome Days sono delle giornate di benvenuto dedicate alle studentesse e agli studenti in arrivo presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova attraverso programmi di mobilità internazionale (Erasmus+ ...
Anche quest'anno accademico, in occasione dell’inizio delle lezioni, l'Università di Padova propone l'iniziativa "Università ...
The Department promotes the development of competences allowing deeper knowledge of the complexity of Italy's cultural heritage and all forms of interaction with disciplinary areas linked to similar ...
The Department promotes and manages scientific and technological research projects in all fields of industrial engineering, including aerospace engineering, chemical and process engineering, ...
L'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei annovera ora fra i suoi soci anche Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, professore di demografia nel Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche dell'Università di Padova, in ragione del ...
The Department is one of the largest in the University. It is responsible for academic courses in the area of chemistry, at all levels including doctorates. The Department has a very important ...
Tours are not available on 24 and 25 December, 31 December, 1 January and during special institutional events that do not allow the regular running of activities. The Bo Palace, the main campus of the ...
Padua claims to be the oldest city in northern Italy. According to a tradition which goes back at least to Virgil’s Aeneid, it was founded in 1183 BC by the Trojan prince Antenor, who is believed to ...
At the University of Padua, 32 Departments are responsible for carrying out both scientific research and teaching activities. It pursues the widest research scope in the light of multidisciplinary and ...
This qualification is open to graduates with a 1st cycle or foreign equivalent degree and requires a further 120 credits, which can be accumulated over an average of two years. Previous specific ...