华泰金融(HK)9月23日发布公告。On 19 September (Beijing time), the Federal Reserve’s September FOMC meeting passed a decision to cut interest rates by 50bp, lowering the benchmark rate to 4.75-5%. Currently, backe ...
智通财经APP获悉,韩国电力(KEP.US)在韩国首尔上市的股票价格创下去年初以来的最大跌幅。此前该公司并未提高电费,这可能使该公司面临更大的财务压力。数据显示,周一,韩国电力在首尔上市的股票一度跌8.9%,若以该跌幅收盘,将创下2023年1月以来的最大单日跌幅。 韩国电力表示,将在截至12月的季度内冻结燃料调整价格。该价格是消费者支出的一部分,取决于天然气和煤炭进口成本。尽管煤炭和天然气的进口成 ...
In the past, an important reason for the long-term low inflation in the US was that in the context of globalization, emerging markets continued to export commodities at lower price levels.