Severin Schwan, chairman of the board of directors of Roche Group, made a concluding remark at a press conference as chairman ...
最近 Adobe 宣布了一款全新的创作工具 ——Adobe Firefly Video Model。这一新工具是 Adobe 在 AI 视频生成领域的一次大胆尝试,建立在其现有的 Firefly 生成性 AI 图像模型之上。 Adobe ...
Motion capture artists are the unsung heroes of the entertainment industry, breathing life into digital characters and worlds. With the ever-expanding reach of technology in entertainment, the demand ...
期间,津巴布韦总统姆南加古瓦参访了解放军陆军指挥学院,追忆60年前在中国的求学岁月,重温中非人民在反帝反殖反霸斗争中并肩奋斗的历史。上世纪中叶,包括姆南加古瓦总统在内的一批非洲国家青年军官来到中国军事院校学习。他们学成回国之后,积极投入到本国民族解放 ...
美国三大电信公司正在激烈竞争,努力阻止客户转投竞争对手的平台,同时还要寻找新用户。美国第二大移动运营商T-Mobile正在与OpenAI合作创建一个新平台IntentCX,旨在提供更快速、更个性化的客户服务。T-Mobile表示,通过访问客户数据,I ...
Diarmaid MacCulloch’s thrilling book explores the complexities and contradictions of biblical scholarship and its changing ...
Top executives from more than 20 leading multinationals and guest speakers gathered again this morning as the 36th International Business Leaders' Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai (IBLAC) ...
美国联邦储备委员会(美联储)当地时间18日宣布,将联邦基金利率目标区间下调50个基点,降至4.75%至5.00%之间的水平。这是美联储自2020年3月以来的首次降息,也标志着美国由货币政策紧缩周期向宽松周期的转向。 The U.S. Federal ...
The legacy of fuel cars and the innovation of electric vehicles are intertwined, propelling China’s auto industry to new ...
First group of South Korean tourists entering China via Zhengzhou airport visit Southern Taihang Mountains in Xinxiang ...