What's the best way to wake a giant after a long nap? "Very carefully, and with a lot of planning," said a grinning John ...
The study of processes occurring at attosecond timescales utilizing extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses is at the forefront of ...
Enabling world-class science in universities and industry for researchers both nationally and internationally the UK’s ...
He produced the short first-of-its-kind nanoscale view of the zinc pump. And now he's guiding the installation of new beamlines at the new Brookhaven synchrotron with the help of a $4.6 million grant ...
Investment from BBSRC will secure a state-of-the-art, ultra-fast X-ray integrating detector for probing very fast processes ...
At the APS I worked first as a postdoctoral research associate and later as a beamline scientist, mostly working at nuclear resonant scattering beamlines in the Inelastic X-ray and Nuclear Resonant ...
New Zealand researchers are using light from a high-tech synchrotron to investigate advanced materials that could help with next generation computing and combatting climate change.
What's the best way to wake a giant after a long nap? "Very carefully, and with a lot of planning," said a grinning John ...
The APS team is in the process of bringing beamlines into operation after the year-long shutdown and has already hosted its first experiments by outside users. Research is expected to resume in ...