The central drug regulator released two lists – one was a list of 48 drugs that failed the quality tests and another had ...
USA: A recent pilot study, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology has shown that a combination ...
今年,水产动保行业企业销量普遍下降,容量下滑、市场竞争加剧,再加上产品同质化严重,各个企业不断卷价格、卷产品、卷服务。那么在此市场背景下,企业如何脱颖而出,打造自身优势,开辟新赛道呢?值此2024年第10届广州国际渔业博览会之际,笔者采访了参会的水产 ...
Experts unpack the potential upside of taking magnesium and vitamin D supplements together. Learn if you should do it.
Vitamin B12 supplements may benefit your body and health in many ways. So, check out this list of the best vitamin B12 ...
One of the major dangers of taking substandard medications is the risk of prolonged health issues. PCM (paracetamol), for ...
The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) has flagged over 50 drugs, including Paracetamol, as 'not of standard ...
The CDSCO’s August 2024 report categorized several medications under its “Not of Standard Quality (NSQ Alert)” list, which ...
In its latest drug alert, the apex drug regulatory body, the Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), has flagged ...
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