A Brazilian judge locked in a legal row with X owner Elon Musk on Friday said he would reinstate the social network in Brazil ...
The Dow pushed to a fresh record while the Nasdaq pulled back Friday following US inflation data expected to keep the Federal Reserve on track to cut interest rates further.
Donald Trump's campaign reported Sunday that there had been "gunshots in his vicinity" but added that the Republican ...
Admiral Lisa Franchetti, the first woman to lead the US Navy, has been treated for breast cancer and is free of the disease, ...
US President Joe Biden said Friday he was working to allow people to return to their homes on the Israeli-Lebanon border, in ...
WASHINGTON — Billie Jean King will become the first individual female athlete to be awarded the Congressional Gold Medal .
The contentious casino entertainment complex project has become one of the top 10 priorities for the Paetongtarn Shinawatra ...
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday survived a vote of no confidence, with 211 lawmakers opposing and 120 in favor, in the first major test of his minority Liberal government.
泡财经获悉,据第一财经,广汽集团(601238.SH)正在制定深化改革方案,方案具体内容还在细化中,近期将分步实施,做到平稳过渡。广汽集团内部人士透露,广汽集团有意将研产销相对分离的传统战略管控模式转为自主品牌一体化运营模式,总部人员提级自主品牌管理,目的是加强自主品牌运营管控和一体化协同水平。在此过程中,部分广汽集团总部人员将从广汽中心搬移至广汽研究院办公。 今年前8月,公司自主品牌、合资品牌汽 ...
观点网讯:9月27日,金地集团发布公告,宣布为昆明西山项目公司3.2亿元贷款额度提供担保。公告显示,金地集团合营公司的子公司昆明筑鸿置业有限公司持有昆明乾辉房地产开发有限公司(下称“项目公司”)100%的股权,开发位于昆明市西山区52号片区D4地块项目。为了满足项目发展需要,项目公司向上海浦东发展银行股 ...
美元兑日元在今日 (9月24日)亚欧时段 (10-15点BJT)上涨了近130点至144.68,之后回落,但从回落形态来看,是很有规则的下移通道,预计很快将重启涨势。
先说答案,主要是因为题量少了一半,哈哈。因为chap9有一半是BJT,一半是MOS的,BJT的我就没做,只做了MOS。 做的过程中,感觉还是有很多地方和答案不一样的,确定是我错的,我就改了 ...