The development of intra vascular contrast media was a major game changer in the field of diagnostic radiology. This led to the use of X-rays in evaluation of the urinary system and blood vessels in ...
在区块链的世界中,每一个新的项目都带着改变世界的野心,而悟空币的诞生,则是对这种野心的最好诠释。如今,随着悟空币的首发上线BTX交易所,一个全新的数字资产生态正在迅速崛起,既传承着深厚的文化底蕴,又充满了技术创新的力量。 项目背景 ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that over two-thirds of the global population lacks access to radiology services. Emerging markets such as island nations and 14 African nations face ...
The Radiologic Sciences Department is dedicated to excellence in innovative medical imaging education throughout a variety of health care environments while serving diverse patient populations as ...