God is odd about sex. The Bible and Christian writings are odder yet. If all this weirdness affected only believers, it would ...
Since Islam relies on an unattainable standard of perfection, it can never in the final analysis provide certain assurance of ...
The conventional opening date for the Christological controversy of the fifth century of which the climax was the Council of Chalcedon is the arrival at Constantinople in 428 of its new archbishop, ...
Philosophy Compass, Vol. 11, Issue. 11, p. 743. This collection of essays has its origin in a conference held at Oxford in 2006 to mark the publication of the first English edition of the Acts of ...
Saint Euphemia was from Chalcedon and lived in virginity. According to some, she suffered martyrdom during the reign of Diocletian, in 303; according to others, in 307. Her sacred relics are preserved ...
Rushdoony went on to found the Chalcedon Foundation to develop and propagate his views on how Christians should live in the world. The central tenet of Rushdoony’s teaching is that God has tasked ...
Before the Moslem invasion in 641 the Copts fell into heresy due to their rejection of the Council of Chalcedon (451). Through missionary work, some of these were brought back into union in recent ...
I try to make it clear in my translation—and this could be sobering or troubling for your faith—that Paul simply didn’t have what would later be called an orthodox view of Christ at the Council of ...
The Armenian Church did not accept the decisions of the Council of Chalcedon, 451, (the Fourth Ecumenical Council) and subsequent councils. This early schism in Christianity has yet to be reconciled, ...
This decision was further explained by the Council of Chalcedon (451) which says with regard to Mary's divine motherhood: "...begotten from the Father before the ages as regards his godhead ...
This normative decision was further explicated by the Council of Chalcedon (451) which says with regard to Mary's divine motherhood: "...begotten from the Father before the ages as regards his godhead ...