Generic name tadalafil, Cialis was approved in Europe in 2002 and in the United States in 2003. While it works similarly to Viagra and Levitra, the ED medication can take up to two hours to work, but ...
This news of Ozempic price cuts comes on the heels, or tablet, of Novo Nordisk developing a weight loss pill that mirrors the ...
A new study has found that a cheap antidepressant available on the market could be used to treat the aggressive form of brain ...
New, more expensive migraine drugs are no more effective against the throbbing headaches than traditional painkillers, and ...
Manhattan: As a physician-in-training, I routinely reflect on Ellen Bilofsky’s story published in the (“Reject the cruelty of ...
medications, and counseling, offer hope and improved quality of life, underlining the value of professional consultation for those experiencing sexual health concerns. Like erectile dysfunction, p ...
For decades, cheap and widely available painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen have been prescribed for migraines, as well as the more powerful triptans, which change how blood circulates in the ...
Pharmacist Mark Mikhael has lost 50 pounds over the past 12 months. He no longer has diabetes and finds himself “at my ideal ...
PARIS - New, more expensive migraine drugs are no more effective against ... three times more common in women than men. For decades, cheap and widely available painkillers such as aspirin and ...