DCVG直流电压梯度检测系统背景及能力 英国DCVG公司是DCVG直流电压梯度检测系统和CIPS密间隔管地电位检测仪的鼻祖,其研发的DCVG直流电压梯度检测系统最初用于英国的检测,只需另配上直流供电电源就可以检测埋地管道情况。在生产过程中,注重的是在保证足够 ...
The Cardano Foundation intends CIPs to be the primary mechanisms for proposing new features, collecting community input on an issue, and documenting design decisions that have gone into Cardano. Plus, ...
This website uses cookies to improve your experience. By continuing to use this website you are accepting our cookie policy. Some cookies are necessary to make the website work properly, for example ...
西安管畅环保科技有限公司是一家注册于西安高新区的*,主要从事自来水管网泄漏检测监测、天然气管网泄漏检测监测、市政排水管网流量液位检测监测、电力电缆故障检测监测以及管道抢维修方面的相关仪器设备的研发销售和技术工程服务。 西安管畅科技与 ...