The latest issue of the ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies shares research on innovations enabled by intelligent technologies in areas from security and bandwidth-efficient data ...
Technology leaders at the ITU Digital Skills Forum addressed the need for increased action to ensure that individuals ...
An investment today of an additional US$0.24 per patient per year in digital health interventions, such as telemedicine, mobile messaging and chatbots, can help save more than 2 million lives from ...
The Republic of Palau became the 194th Member State of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) during a ceremony ...
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has listed Nigeria among tier-3 countries in its Global Cybersecurity Index ...
9月6日,国际电信联盟在瑞士日内瓦召开ITU-TSG17全会,本次会议上中国移动成功主导完成ITU-T 首个6G安全立项《IMT-2030(6G)网络的安全考虑/Security Consideration for IMT-2030 Networks》。在目前国际上 ...
7月3日,由北京市西城区数据局与国网数字科技控股有限公司联合打造的电力数据应用创新联合实验室揭牌。该实验室立足“马连道中国数据街”建设,通过关键技... 6月27日,国网河南电力经济技术研究院规划评审中心员工应用通信网规划数字化平台,仅用1小时就导出并汇总包括全省配电通信网站点、光缆等信息的8张表格。
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has ranked Ghana as a Tier One entity on the 2024 Global Cybersecurity Index ...
VETERAN journalists, Somoe Ng'itu and Zena Chande have been elected to lead the Tanzania Women's Football Association (TWFA) ...
Nigeria has been ranked as a Tier-3 country in the 2024 Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) released by the International ...