In a partnership project between the Hoosier National Forest (NF) and State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management ...
In this edition of Wildlife Habitat Hint, Purdue wildlife extension specialist Jarred Brooke shares methods to control the invasive sericea lespedeza. This plant species, though was once used for ...
A troublemaker on lawns throughout the Southeastern U.S., common lespedeza (Portulaca oleracea) is an annual legume that grows into 18-inch patches that choke out thin turf. Plants have wiry stems ...
Some of the common invasive plants that show up early in the life of native grass and wildflower planting are Canada thistle, sericea lespedeza, and johnsongrass. Control of these species often ...
George was a keen steward of native grasses- Big Bluestem, Switch Grass, Indiangrass, and Sideoats Grama-and enjoyed in his own peculiar way a perpetual battle against invasive Sericea Lespedeza.