Transliterated Title: Amida sanzon raigō zu: Amida Nyorai (Amitâbha), Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara), Seishi Bosatsu (Mahâsthâmaprâpta) ...
THIS WORK MAY NOT BE LENT BY THE TERMS OF ITS ACQUISITION TO THE HARVARD ART MUSEUMS. The Harvard Art Museums encourage the use of images found on this website for personal, noncommercial use, ...
The garden, which is separated from the street by a red metal gate, contains an artificial pond and fountain. In the middle is a miniature scale artificial island with rocky terrain and a roofed ...
This list is of Goryeo Buddhist paintings, Korea (918–1392). Approximately one hundred and sixty hanging scrolls are known. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10 ...