我建议要学代码的人都去Altera或Xilinx的网站上下原厂工程师的代码学习 ... 对于FPGA设计者来说,练好这5项基本功,与用好相应的EDA工具是同一过程,对应关系如下: 1. 仿真:Modelsim, Quartus II(Simulator Tool) riple 2. 综合:Quartus II (Compiler Tool, RTL Viewer, Technology Map ...
The tutorial is based on ModelSim-Altera Web Edition 6.1g, available free of charge from www.altera.com. The presentation is divided into two parts, as follows: Part I: Simulation Procedure In this ...
自救策略二:出售Altera 另据知情人士表示,除了拆分制造业务和削减不必要的业务并调整资本支出,英特尔的自救策略还包括出售FPGA业务,也就是Altera。英特尔在2015年以167亿美元收购了这家公司,被收购时Altera是全球第二大FPGA公司,仅次于赛灵思(Xilinx)。
本文引用地址: 具体而言,该计划包括与相关投资银行家合作寻求资金支持,可能会拆分晶圆代工业务部门以及出售Altera可编程芯片部门,以及大幅 ...
国际电子商情13日讯 外媒上周报道称,英特尔计划提出削减成本计划,包括将彻底出售Altera的可能性。对此,Altera首席执行官 ...
Using an external MCU as a crude clock source for the Altera CPLD. (Credit: [Doug Brown]) One exciting feature of hardware development involving MCUs and FPGAs is that you all too often need ...
9 月 12 日消息,英特尔旗下子公司 Altera 首席执行官 Sandra Rivera 在接受外媒 CRN 采访时否认了近期有关该公司将被英特尔整体出售的传闻,表示英特尔 ...
Intel, CPU manufacturer we all know and love, will buy Altera, makers of fine FPGAs, for $16.7 Billion. While most of the news about this deal focuses on the future of FPGAs in the datacenter ...
The IPB-I2S-TDM-ASRC combines an I2S/TDM configurable serial audio interface with two embedded stereo Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters (ASRCs). The ASRCs can provide very high quality ... The ...
Two months after Intel spun off the Programmable Solutions Group into a stand-alone FPGA company, it reveals it’s taking its original Altera name and chasing a market opportunity exceeding $55 ...
Intel on its FGPA company: Altera’s expanded portfolio and roadmap better address the growth in the target FPGA markets across cloud, network and edge, while simultaneously enhancing the best-in ...